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Learning Intentions:


Major sports, such as football and futsal, are sometimes described as being like a country in their own right. Each sport has its own culture, collective identity and the potential to have a positive impact on society. 

Learning intentions for this experience are:

  • Understand how major sport events can help shape culture and collective identity. 

  • Investigate countries who played in the FIFA Women's World Cup 2023 ™.

Kōrero | Discussion:


  • What do you know about the teams who played in the FIFA Women's World Cup 2023 ™?

  • Which countries are you most curious about? 

  • Which countries do you have a connection with? 

  • What do you know about the culture in that country?

  • What do you know about the history of football and futsal in that country?

  • What do you know about the role football and futsal has in the culture of the country?

  • Why do football and futsal need an international association?

Ngā ngohe | Activities:


Once upon a football…

  • Research one of the following: 

    • Early forms of recreation and sport.

    • History of football or futsal.

    • History of the Ford Football Ferns .

  • Discover the following: 

    • What other names are there for football, futsal or similar games? For example: in ancient China they played cuju, the Inuit of Alaska played aqsaqtuk, some countries call football soccer. 

    • Investigate games like football or futsal that were played in other times and places.

    • When were rules of association (FIFA) introduced?

    • What were the differences in how the game was played before the rules were agreed?

  • Create a recording, display or presentation. 


Make and play

  • Make your own football:

    • Design and develop a football from recycled or natural materials, for example plastic bags or leaves. 

    • Collect your materials and make your football.

  • Play football or futsal with it. 

  • Evaluate your ball: 

    • How long did it last?

    • How far could you kick it?

    • Did you have fun?

    • How would you make a better ball? 

    • Make up three more questions about your ball. Use your questions to experiment with your ball. 

  • Present your data as a graphic or table.


Level playing field.

  • Choose one of these organisations:

  • For your chosen organisation, investigate:

    • What is its role?

    • How does your chosen organisation support local football or futsal?

    • What is the relationship between these organisations?

    • How were cultural values included in the FIFA Women’s World Cup?

    • Is it important to have teams and clubs of many cultures?

    • How are cultural values and tikanga included in football and futsal teams, for example, Māori Football Aotearoa sporting events?

  • Draw, write or record a summary of your research.


Scoring social goals

  • Review the United Nations' 17 sustainable development goals and identify how football or futsal can help achieve some of these goals. For example, quality education. Football and futsal can help us learn about different cultures and tournaments.  

  • Draw or make a set of goal posts.

  • Add the sustainable development goals you have selected.

  • Explain your decision with words and pictures. 

Kuputaka | Glossary:


Tikanga: Protocol.

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