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As Aotearoa New Zealand's population becomes more and more diverse, it is important that we all understand how to create relationships with cultures other than our own.


Your challenge is to use the FIFA Women's World Cup 2023 ™ to research culture and collective identity and share what you find out at your own world cup festival.



Building relationships and creating connections between people requires the ability to understand and value cultural differences. Major sporting events such as the FIFA Women's World Cup 2023 ™ bring countries together from around the globe and provide an opportunity to learn about the different cultures of each of those countries.


Listen closely to Paige Satchell and Adam Paulsen as they discuss how football and futsal contribute to the culture and collective identities of countries all around the world. You can use these ideas to help guide you when you explore different cultures and prepare for your own world cup festival. 



There are three sets of classroom learning experiences and a set of football and futsal experiences to help build the knowledge and skills you will need to learn about and understand culture and collective identity. Your teacher will decide with you which experiences you are going to use and will tailor these to the phase of schooling that you are currently in (either years 4-6 or years 7-8). Your teacher will also frame with you how the learning intentions for each activity relate to the following key things to know from Te ao tangata | Social sciences (including Aotearoa New Zealand's histories) for your phase of learning. 

Years 4-6

Ngā ahurea me te tuakiri kiritōpū | Culture and collective identity
Culture shapes individual and collective identities and creates diversity within societies. People’s cultural practices and relationships can vary but reflect similar purposes. The stories of groups of people from different periods in our history convey their reasons for and experiences of migration. These stories have shaped their culture and identity in Aotearoa New Zealand.

Years 7-8

Ngā ahurea me te tuakiri kiritōpū | Culture and collective identity
People use different ways to sustain and evolve their culture and identity. Mid-twentieth-century M
āori migration to New Zealand cities occurred at an unprecedented pace and scale, leading to new approaches to being Māori and retaining iwi values and practices being created and debated. Over time, people from a wide range of cultures have migrated to and participated in and contributed to Aotearoa New Zealand, while retaining and adapting their distinctive identities.

Regardless of the phase of learning that you are in, the intention is that the activities will help you to explore and deepen your understanding of how interactions change societies.

Connecting Locally

We start our learning journey by exploring how culture and collective identity in Aotearoa New Zealand has been formed and continues to be shaped by people connecting locally. 

Whakapapa and tūrangawaewae

What is whakapapa and Tūrangawaewae and why are they important to culture and collective identity in Aotearoa New Zealand?


Rights and responsibilities

How does connecting with one another involve rights and responsibilities?

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Community connections

How can sports such as football and futsal contribute to our culture and collective identity?


Celebrating our heroes

Who are some of our own football and futsal heroes and how do their actions help shape our culture and collective identity?

Connecting Globally

We continue our learning journey by looking into how major sporting events provide opportunities to connect with people globally and how these events can help further shape our culture and collective identity.   

Understanding others

What are similarities and differences between the cultures of countries involved in the FIFA Women's World Cup 2023™?


Understanding immigration

What impact has immigration had on our culture and collective identity and how is this continuing to evolve?

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Football, Futsal culture & identify

How can hosting major sporting events in Aotearoa New Zealand help further shape our culture and collective identity?


Celebrating global heroes

Who are some of the heroes involved in the FIFA Women's World Cup 2023™ and how might their actions impact on our culture and collective identity?

Running a world cup

Now it is time to host our own world cup festival and celebrate everything we have learned. Let us check in with what it takes to put on a world cup, then design, plan, get ready and run our own event. 

Journey to the world cup

What does it take for players to get ready for a world cup event? 


Manaakitanga - Hosting a world cup festival

What does it take for a country to put on a world cup event?

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Plan and deliver your own world cup festival

Use what you have learnt to plan your own world cup festival.


Participating in your own world cup festival

Bringing it all together, putting the final touches to your skills and presentations - bring on the world cup festival!



New Zealand Football and Māori Football Aotearoa have designed a set of football and futsal games that reinforce the learning that is happening in your classroom during Kōtuitui. Watch the video to see how the games work and register today to receive a copy of the games booklet and support to use it at your school



You will remember when you started on the Kōtuitui learning journey that your challenge was to research cultures of countries involved in the FIFA Women's World Cup 2023™ and to draw conclusions about how the event might further shape Aotearoa New Zealand’s culture and collective identity. To support your progression toward becoming knowledgeable about ngā ahurea me te tuakiri kiritōpū (culture and collective identity) we have set up two challenges, one each for ākonga in years 4-6, and years 7-8. Regardless of the phase of learning that you are in, the intention is that the challenges will help you progress in building your capability to use the social inquiry process.  

Te kaingākaunui me te hiamo ki te akoExpanding horizons of knowledge and collaboration

Te mōhio ki tōku tūrangawaewae me te kōkiri kaupapa | Knowing I belong and advocating for self and others

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Years 4-6

Migration and and its impact on culture and collective identity 

Create and share a presentation at your world cup festival that retells the story of the migration of a group of people to Aotearoa New Zealand.  What has been the impact of their arrival on our culture and collective identity? What has been the impact on their own culture since arriving in this country?

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Years 7-8

The role of play, active recreation and sport in culture and collective identity

Create and share a presentation at your world cup festival about the role of play, active recreation and sport on our culture and what they contribute to our sense of collective identity? How might major sporting events further shape and reinforce Aotearoa New Zealand’s culture and collective identity?

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